Service Hours

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    Twenty service hours must be completed by the end of each semester, including fifteen personal hours and five club hours. Ten service hours must be completed each quarter and must be turned in to the chapter advisor, in the appropriate form, by 3:00 on the day of the last meeting of each quarter.

    Service hours may be completed in any combination of club and personal hours each quarter which results in ten hours per quarter and twenty per semester (15 / 5). The five club hours of service to be completed each semester will be completed through a chapter or club service project to be organized by the club officers. Only three of the next quarter’s hours may be carried over from additional hours.

    NHS Hours Sheet

    New Inductees

    1. You must turn in your first fifteen (15) service hours (five of these can be club hours). Senior inductees will need fifteen (15) service hours. 5 club + 10 personal = 15.
    2. Service Hours Rules
      1. Get hours approved by an officer or sponsor if you are unsure about them
      2. Go beyond Austin High School – serve the whole community
      3. No grading papers for teachers
      4. No tutoring other students at AHS (unless it is an opportunity NHS has approved)
      5. Turn in hours on appropriate hours sheet with the signature and phone number of the person who supervised your work. Hour sheets are available at the link above. Don’t forget to sign and total your hours sheet.
    3. Service Opportunities
        1. Always look at the NHS website for current opportunities 
        2. Emails are frequently sent with opportunities. Be sure you provide a working email on the new member information sheet.
        3. Finding and presenting service opportunities is your job as well. Inform officers of good service opportunities you come across.