Lake Olympia Middle School


FBISD exists to inspire and equip all students to pursue futures beyond what they can imagine

8:50 a.m. - 4:10 p.m.


(281) 634-3520


  • GT Referral Window

    The Fall 2024 GT referral window is now open:

    •  To submit a referral, the parent/guardian must use their Family Access username and password.

    •  Before referring your student, please ensure that your contact information (email address, physical address, and phone number) is current in Skyward.

    •  Forms must be submitted online by the September 30, 2024 deadline. No exceptions.

    •  Students must be enrolled in FBISD and in grades K – 11th.

    •  Students who are already FBISD identified for GT services in math/science OR ELA/social studies may only be referred during the SPRING window. There will be a fee assessed for all identified students to be re-evaluated for additional service areas.

    •  Students who are currently FBISD identified for GT services in All Areas may not be referred.

    For additional information, please click on the following link:

    To begin your GT referral, please click here:


     How to Prepare for GT Testing:

    It is essential to understand that there is no "pass" or "fail" outcome for the gifted test. This assessment is designed to determine how each student learns best. You can help your child prepare by explaining that it is merely a test to understand their learning style. Encourage them to get a good night's sleep, have a nutritious breakfast, and emphasize the importance of doing their best on all tasks, even if they need to make educated guesses when unsure of answers.

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  • Volleyball Schedule

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  • 8th grade football schedule

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  • 7th grade football schedule

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