Phone: 281-634-2000 Ext: 92769


Degrees and Certifications:

Certifications: English 6-12 ESL 6-12 Degrees: B.A. Secondary English Education M.Ed. Secondary English Curriculum and Instruction

Mrs. Amelia Peters

I am Amelia Peters, and I teach English II AAC and Dual Credit. I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Secondary English Education in 2018 and my Master of Education in secondary English curriculum and instruction in 2020, both from the University of Mississippi. I have been teaching since 2020. I am proud to be a part of the Bulldog family!  

  • Schoology for Parents

Teacher Schedule

  • 1st- Dual Credit 

    2nd- Dual Credit 

    3rd- Conference 

    4th- English II AAC 

    5th- English II AAC

    6th- English II AAC

    7th- English II AAC

Tutorial Schedule

  • Monday 2:50-3:30

    Tuesday 7:00-7:20

    *or by appointment