Gifted and Talented at Almeta Crawford High School


      Identified students in grades 6-12 are provided service through open enrollment Pre-AP and AP classes with GT-trained teachers in the core subject areas of English language arts, social studies, science, and mathematics. Additional opportunities offered to secondary students include the Gifted and Talented Academy at Quail Valley Middle School (grades 6-8), and the Gifted and Talented Mentorship Program (grade 12).


      Please visit the District GT web page for information on evaluation for GT services.

  • New to GT

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    • GT Parent Advisory Committee (GT PAC)

      The GT PAC members serve as liaisons between the GT PAC and their school community.  Parent representatives are invited to attend monthly GT PAC meetings and share Gifted and Talented program news with their school communities.  Parent representatives are encouraged to provide feedback to the committee from their school communities. 

      Please refer to the link for information on applications, volunteers, and meetings: Click Here

      GT Parent Meeting

      All meeting dates and times will be sent via email. 

      If you missed any of our GT Parent Meeting, we will sent the PowerPoint and a summary of important information to your email. You can email the GT COGs for more information.

      Please have your emails updated on Skyward to not miss out on this important information.



    Parent Meetings

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  • GT Showcase

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  • GT Learning Plan

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  • GT Counselor

    Monet Newsome

    Comments (-1)
  • GT Administrator

    Deandria Brigham

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    Jody Glass

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