- Ridgemont Elementary
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Report Card Information
Attendance Email Address
Emailing a note directly to the attendance clerk is a very reliable and acceptable method of submitting an absence note.NOTES CAN BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 1-5 DAYS OF RETURNING TO SCHOOL
Student Birthday Information
Students may bring party invitations but must invite everyone in the class (or all boys or girls) as appropriate. Invitations will only be accepted by the teacher to be sent home in the Thursday folder. Birthdays are acknowledged in class by teachers as well as on our morning announcements daily. Electronic invitations may not be distributed via district internet.
Per district policy, birthday celebrations are allowed at school but may not be shared during lunch. Only store bought food products are acceptable, provided by the parent or grandparent. They may be shared on or near the child’s birthday during the last 5 minutes of classroom instruction time. Please keep in mind that we have several students with food allergies. For this reason, products containing peanuts or manufactured on equipment that processes peanuts, are prohibited.
In addition, we request that mini or single serving items be provided to maximize instruction time. You will also need to complete a required form, GE-E-4, from the nutrition department prior to the celebration. This form is available at the front office and may be completed the day of the celebration. Please provide the store label or receipt along with any provided ingredient listing.
Balloons are prohibited.
If you do not wish for your child to participate or be provided a birthday treat by classmates during birthday celebrations at school, please send a written note to your child’s teacher with your specific request. Our teachers have been provided a list of students with food allergies, but your letter would be kept on record for substitutes as well.
Rainy Day Dismissal
The following plan will be followed in case of severe weather conditions:
- Car riders will be seated inside the cafeteria as usual. Students will be escorted to the appropriate Square #. Be aware that this will significantly slow down the dismissal process. PLEASE BE PATIENT and remain in your car and your child will be delivered to you safely.
- All Ridgemont Back Walkers and bikers will be seated in the gym by grade level. Parents will enter the gym through the back door next to the playground. Parents will be allowed to come into the gym 5 at a time to pick up their child. Please call the front office by 2:45 for any change of transportation and if there is going to be anyone else picking up your child. We ask that all parents follow these procedures. Please do not attempt to pick up your child at the front office as this causes delays in dismissal. Bikes may be left at owner’s discretion and picked up at a later time. Be sure to secure your bike to the rack with a lock at all times.
- All Ridgemont Front Walkers will be seated in the Kinder/First hallway, Hallway B through 2nd Parents will enter the building through the Front Walker Exit Door closest to the RME Early Childhood Center. Parents will be allowed to come into the building 5 at a time to pick up their child. Please call the front office by 2:45 for any change of transportation and if there is going to be anyone else picking up your child. We ask that all parents follow these procedures. Please do not attempt to pick up your child at the front office as this causes delays in dismissal.
- Bus riders/Day Care riders/Extended Day will go home as usual, but arrival may be delayed due to weather. If your child’s bus has not arrived by 4:00pm you may call the school for an update.