• College Career Readiness

    Each Fort Bend ISD high school has a well-equipped College & Career Resource Center staffed by a full-time CCR Advisor. All students are welcome any time to explore careers, research postsecondary institutions and scholarships, and other activities to insure they are ready for post-high school careers. Parents are welcome too!  Contact the CCR Advisor at your school to set up an appointment!

  • Fort Bend ISD is Currently Scheduled to Host the SAT School Day for the Class of 2023 in March of 2022


    Comments (-1)
High School CCR Advisor CCR Center Phone Email
Austin Becky Martinez H1 (281) 327-1160 becky.martinez@fortbendisd.com
Bush Tiffani Jenkins-Kinney J106 (281) 634-6182 tiffani.jenkinskinne@fortbendisd.com
Clements Raven Crowder 1326 (281) 634-3106 raven.hollins@fortbendisd.com
Crawford Jackie Hidalgo jackie.hidalgo@fortbendisd.com
Dulles Raven Hollins F101 (Cafeteria) (281) 634-5820 raven.hollins@fortbendisd.com
Elkins Narietha Carter-McClain 447 (281) 634-9033 narietha.cartermccla@fortbendisd.com
Hightower Jackie Hidalgo H1 (281) 634-3728 jackie.hidalgo@fortbendisd.com
Kempner Tiffani Jenkins Kinney 216 (281) 634-3140 tiffani.jenkinskinne@fortbendisd.com
Marshall Daphne Thompson-Bennett T107 (281) 634-6683 daphne.thompsonbenne@fortbendisd.com
Progressive High School Kita Booker 508 (281) 634-6477 Kita.Booker@fortbendisd.com
Ridge Point Narietha Carter-McClain A115 281-634-7407 narietha.cartermccla@fortbendisd.com
Travis Becky Martinez E138 (281) 634-9264 becky.martinez@fortbendisd.com
Willowridge Kimberly Green H116 (281) 634-2477 kimberly.green@fortbendisd.com