Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Pursuant to Board Policies DBD (LOCAL), CH (LOCAL) and CV (LOCAL), an employee shall disclose in writing to his or her immediate supervisor a personal financial interest, a business interest, or any other obligation or relationship that in any way creates a potential conflict of interest with the proper discharge of assigned duties and responsibilities or with the best interest of the District. This includes any past or present relationship with any vendor or bidder, regardless of nature or amount, prior to any Board action taken on procurement in which such vendor or bidder participates.
Some examples of common disclosable matters include:- Any personal financial or business relationship an employee has with a Fort Bend ISD vendor (i.e., owning a business that currently does or may do business with the District).
- Teaching, tutoring, giving private lessons, providing child care or performing similar roles for any entity or individual other than Fort Bend ISD.
- Other non-school employment.
Previously, all employees were required to complete a conflict of interest disclosure and submit it to the Internal Audit Department by September 30th each year, whether there were matters to disclose or not. This practice is currently under review, and more information will be provided in the coming weeks.
Nonetheless, if an employee realizes at any time during the year that matters should be disclosed, the employee must complete and submit the disclosure.
The Conflict of Interest Disclosure can be accessed by clicking on the link to the right. The link will open up a prompt for the employee’s network username and password. This information will be the same as the username and password used by employees to log onto a District computer. Please refer to the standard format below:
Username: district\employee’s network username (ex. district\john.smith)
Password: employee’s network password
(If a three line prompt should appear, the employee should select “District” as the domain name)
Once displayed, please read the contents of the page, the referenced District policies, and check the appropriate boxes at the end of the form. Please ensure your name appears on the top of the Conflict of Interest Disclosure page and that you only submit the disclosure under your name. In order for your name to appear on the top of the page, you must be logged into the District’s network using your network username and password. Administrative Procedure CQ-R, Electronic Communication and Data Management, states that system users may not use another person’s system account without written permission from the campus administrator or District Coordinator.
Answers to frequently asked questions are included at the link for the Conflict of Interest Disclosure.