Child Find

  • The Fort Bend Independent School District is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating any child (ages birth-21) with known or suspected disabilities who reside within the school district’s boundaries to determine whether a need for special education and related services exist. This mandate also applies to any child who is currently attending a private school, or is being homeschooled. For information regarding referrals and evaluations, please visit the district website or contact our Campus Compliance Coordinator.

Section 504

  • Section 504 is a non-discrimination civil rights law that prohibits agencies that receive Federal funding from discriminating against persons with disabilities on the basis of disability.  Section 504 includes students with disabilities who qualify for Special Education services under the Individuals with disabilities Education Act (IDEA), but also includes protections for other disabilities such as dyslexia, diabetes, food allergies, and others which do not fall under the IDEA regulations. For information regarding referrals, evaluations or services under Section 504, please visit the district website or contact our Campus Compliance Coordinator.

Students with Dyslexia

  • Fort Bend ISD believes that all children can learn. Dyslexia services are provided through elementary reading specialists. Individuals with dyslexia can and do learn how to read and write with adequate support systems and proper instruction.  Students will dyslexia can receive services under Section 504 or Special Education based on committee decision and eligibility.  For information regarding dyslexia, evaluations or services under Section 504, please visit the district website or contact our Campus Compliance Coordinator.

Special Education

  • The Fort Bend Independent School District (FBISD) provides educational opportunities to all students.  Included in those opportunities are special education services for students identified with specific learning needs.  The Special Education Department strives to provide excellent customer service to the students and parents in FBISD.  For information regarding special education, please visit the district website or contact our Campus Compliance Coordinator.